I love speed and hate slow. I work in an environment where things are just slow. Bandwidth is slow, processor is slow. Yeah even in this technical world, I find myself slow or may be it is just me. Anyway my hatred for slow things, makes me search for alternatives and so learn more things. I found that wireshark has a textual counterpart. You thought wireshark is not slow. Come to my world and try running it over X windows. Anyway, Google has too much information about the tshark, but the only problem is that it is tough to read that information. Here are my few quick examples to read diameter packet captures. In my world, people do not worry about the disk space and time and use this tcpdump command to capture packets:
tcpdump -i any -s 0 -w <myFav.pcap>
I still need to figure out a better way but this works for now.
Once the file is captured, you can view the file with tshark. Here are the tshark commands to view pcap files with diameter dissector (-d). -r is for read and -n for not mapping IPs to hostnames.
tshark -n -r my.pcap -d "tcp.port=3868, diameter"
This command with -R can provide view filters (-R). See only packets for tcp port 3868:
tshark -n -r my.pcap -d "tcp.port=3868,diameter" -R "tcp.port==3868 and diameter.cmd.code==280"
This command shows the diameter command code, h2h, e2e, flags but does not display the AVPs. For Origin-Host AVP in CER, you can use this command.
tshark -n -r my.pcap -d "tcp.port=3868,diameter" -R "tcp.port==3868 and diameter.cmd.code==280" -z diameter,avp,257,Origin-Host
For examples, grep diameter here: http://www.wireshark.org/docs/man-pages/tshark.html
tcpdump -i any -s 0 -w <myFav.pcap>
I still need to figure out a better way but this works for now.
Once the file is captured, you can view the file with tshark. Here are the tshark commands to view pcap files with diameter dissector (-d). -r is for read and -n for not mapping IPs to hostnames.
tshark -n -r my.pcap -d "tcp.port=3868, diameter"
This command with -R can provide view filters (-R). See only packets for tcp port 3868:
tshark -n -r my.pcap -d "tcp.port=3868,diameter" -R "tcp.port==3868 and diameter.cmd.code==280"
This command shows the diameter command code, h2h, e2e, flags but does not display the AVPs. For Origin-Host AVP in CER, you can use this command.
tshark -n -r my.pcap -d "tcp.port=3868,diameter" -R "tcp.port==3868 and diameter.cmd.code==280" -z diameter,avp,257,Origin-Host
For examples, grep diameter here: http://www.wireshark.org/docs/man-pages/tshark.html