Tuesday, September 27, 2011

inetwiz automation

inetwiz is a tool which I have been using in Windows XP to update the IE proxy setting.
The manual process has been a pain and I wanted to automate it badly.
Experimented with multiple tools - Registry updates, Python. A friend suggested to use VBS.
The VBS did the trick and I was able to use Wscript Run, AppActivate and sendKeys method to automate the proxy update and opening the URL in internet explorer.

Here is the script

option explicit

' Global variable used by mySendKeys function.

dim Wsh

set Wsh = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

if (Wscript.Arguments.Count < 2) Then

Wscript.Echo "Usage: i /auto|/man URL"


End if

'WScript.Echo (Wsh.RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ProxyEnable"))

if (Wscript.Arguments(0) = "/man") Then

' VB Script does not support double equal.

' If Proxy is not enabled, enable it.

if (Wsh.RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ProxyEnable") = 0) Then


End if

Wsh.Run "iexplore " & Wscript.Arguments(1)

Elseif (Wscript.Arguments(0) = "/auto") Then

' If Auto Proxy is not enabled.

' VB Script does not support double equal.

if (Wsh.RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ProxyEnable") = 1) Then


End if

Wsh.Run "iexplore " & Wscript.Arguments(1)


Wscript.Echo "Usage: i /auto|/man URL"

End if

Function enableAutoProxy()

' Enable Automatic Proxy

Wsh.Run "inetwiz"

Wscript.Sleep 1000 ' Give time for application window to open.

mySendKeys "%n" ' Alt + n

mySendKeys " " ' Space

mySendKeys "{Tab}" ' Tab

mySendKeys " " ' Space

mySendKeys "{Tab}" ' Tab

mySendKeys "{Tab}" ' Tab

mySendKeys " " ' Space

mySendKeys "%n" ' Alt + n

mySendKeys "%o" ' Alt + 0

mySendKeys "%n" ' Alt + n

mySendKeys " " ' Space/Finish button

End Function

Function enableManProxy()

Wsh.Run "inetwiz"

Wscript.Sleep 1000 ' Give time for application window to open.

mySendKeys "%n" ' Alt + n

mySendKeys " " ' Space

mySendKeys "{Tab}" ' Tab

mySendKeys " " ' Space

mySendKeys "{Tab}" ' Tab

mySendKeys " " ' Space

mySendKeys "%n" ' Alt + n

mySendKeys "%n" ' Alt + n

mySendKeys "%n" ' Alt + n

mySendKeys "%o" ' Alt + 0

mySendKeys "%n" ' Alt + n

mySendKeys " " ' Space/Finish button

End Function

Function mySendKeys(key)

wsh.AppActivate "Internet Connection Wizard"

wsh.SendKeys key

End Function

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